We took a governmental, bureaucratic organization, with a negative image, and transformed it into an organization that speaks to the people candidly and straightforward, providing the precise information required, while generating a colorful and entertaining message.
The challenge: How can we turn to a wide and varied audience? How can we speak to everyone in a way that they will connect? I turned the problem into an opportunity by designing a language which emphasized the subject of the post and not the person in the post.  The language is a collage in which the head of the person is replaced by an object that represents the subject of the post. The language is suitable for Facebook - modern, digital and conspicuous, while utilizing rough cuts and edges, white margins, and a color pallete that pops out of the page to the user.  The effect is colorful and  flamboyant but still maintains clean design and aesthetics. 
The result: We achieved the unimaginable!!  We succeeded in transforming the image of the National Insurance Institute in the eyes of the public to a dynamic, up-to-date and “cool” organization to deal with.
We received positive comments throughout Facebook, people shared our posts, we gained followers and we reached to a phenomenal impressions data.

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